Tuesday, July 14, 2009

ದೋ ನಾಟ್ ರೆಅದ್

Italian drenched in a swirling gate
Grated and graded
Odor's forgotten sense

Did anyone taste the creation off course, maybe after the third leprechaun has gone to sleep. Only then will the fire be soft enough for you to sneak through the shadows. And yet , you might find yourself falling into another somewhat nonsensical arrangement of jars... all filled with peanut butter to about three quarters of the way , and the rest of the way with some kind of spam-like substance. Dare you take a bite of the sandwich that is sitting on the table in front of you? Of course none of this is even happening , so you are going to take a bite.... in fact it appears that the entire thing is gone, now silence falls and spiders crawl again the walls are tumbling, "Green gravy files inside of electronic smiles" is all that you can seem to say..... seems that you may have become a bit of a local in your journey amidst the faeries.

I do so hope to someday meet the friends from that plane, where else could I make sense of myself? And who ordered the damn pizza? Maybe it is the hunger I seek as into this madness I creep and forgotten once. Wrecked solstice in my hands, shall we play again?

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