Saturday, August 29, 2009

Journey to the Center

Frantic arrangements of yesterday's past
Shuddering before the frosted glass
Cold and wet
Wrapped in warm memories
Chasing the string
One times six
In my grasp
Forever more
Tuning into reality
I seem to have found
My feet are no longer touching the ground

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Twilight shattered by the horizon's gaze
Tomorrow is looking bright
Still slightly out of reach
Yet pain seems dulled by its presence
Wondrous dreams of what may be
Maybe this time we will see
Forever is a long time to feel
Another one strums the rhythm
As the chorus begins to rise
Soloing no further
For we were meant to be
Until all fantasy
Becomes reality

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Drenching the Pavement

Stranded by the side
Against the walking way
Where ever there be light
You will not find me
For in shadows I thrive
Feeding off the silence
Chasing a dream of years past
Strumming it's chorus again
Listen with me now
Cam you hear the pain
As it fades into the distance
Sunrise has brought a new day
Take in these moments
And hold on tight
Dream scape's calling again
Into the horizon we go

Monday, August 24, 2009

Falling from this desolation, I find there is a sunrise still to be seen. Life and love are attainable , and I want both

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Follow me now into the void, be not afraid of the unkown forces driving the stake through my heart, as I can not be released in such a manor


Regardless of the situation
Life is ever changing
Our paths are not always easy
Still we must traverse
Grated by the trails
Forged right in our way
We must remain true
Or love may never find
Its way into this life
This world
This time