Saturday, December 6, 2014

Warped Wrapping

Raise the temperature beyond the level of comfort. Make the mind stew with thoughts and ideas that need not exist. Feed the beat and feel the flow. Nothing left but letting go. The current is solid and already set on course. Follow through with no remorse. Connection and chemistry mixed with musical collaboration. Mental, spiritual, essential inspiration.

Be dammed the mind that dwells within this skull. Ideas never ending and countless flaws. Falling apart, becoming undone. Silence is far from being found. Gravity poses no threat to the air. For most of these words, I'm sure no one cares.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Coherent Chaos

What satisfies the human soul? Money exists. Romance exists. Violence exists. The level of importance each serves is generally defined by one's perception. Which is nothing more than a collection of our own comprehension,  be it visual, emotional, maybe observational ideals.

Life is what we make of it. 

~Embrace your Essence~