Tuesday, June 11, 2024


There's no one to communicate with about this being my last words. I existed. If only for a few days,  I didn't hate myself. Farewell 

Sunday, June 9, 2024


I finally found me
Far too late to be
Only moments of breath remain
So much sadness during the chaos rain
Had we discovered another way
We would not have survived to see this day
Forward torment cast to yesterday
Pierced by fate
Drowned in fear
Lost no more
The illusions persist
Beyond the grasp of our reality's dreams
No longer within our gaze
Neuropathways set to efficiency mode
Celebrity tools of confusion distract
Panic and hysteria genocide and hate
Erasing the details obtained along the
This is the easy way
There was no options unseen
It never had to be this way
"The human commodity"
Is a scale of valuation
That only desecrated life
Perpetuates poverty
Burdening society for its failure to be
Everything we are
Everything we are supposed to become
An effective biological ecosystem
Diverse in every way
Not entrapped by mental cages
And ignorant refrain
8 billions humans on a biological spinning ball
How many suffer and die before we all
Can be capable of imaginary play
I'm just #autistic #adhd #audhd
What's the excuse in you
That defines reality
Measures human life
Refusing dignity
It didn't have to be this way

Sunday, March 19, 2023


I was never meant to exist. After tonight, no one will remember I ever did. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Back 2 Death

Why must I suffer for existing?

From lawyers destroying my mental health to protect their daughter from my existence to the endless echoes of my cries for help that go unheard.

That experience with my high school girls mom formed the opinions everyone had of me. I have not had a family willing to help me since then. 

I fucking give up. I wish my mom had aborted me instead of bringing me here just to spend life hated by those I need. 

This will be my last Christmas. My autistic brain is spent and my body needs repairs. But I don't have time or energy to survive. 

I'm so sorry for the burden my life has been on this world. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Lightbulb Moments

Ahh my naivety...
Powerful yet emotionally draining
Reviewing life's highlights
Then memories
Both good and bad

Moving forward knowing that I'm not crazy. I've not been losing my sanity. I'm simply wired differently. 

Autistic to be specific I have ASD & ADHD and have spent four decades of my life in a creative whirlwind masking constant battles with suicide. I mean constant as in for the nearly every day that I can recall since 6th grade. At least 3 hours of every day was spent inside my head thinking about how much better the lives if those around me would be if I didn't exist. 

Looking back I find myself amused that my first doodle character that showed up in random drawings repeatedly was a 3 armed alien wearing an "I'm Human" t-shirt flashing the peace sign on one hand. And the first night I had alone in my first apartment was filled by making hundreds of buttons. All bearing two words. "I EXIST". 

I've always felt like I didn't belong anywhere. Now I truly understand why. 

I am not broken. 

Monday, December 30, 2019

2019 the year of Awakening

This year was a tremendous journey. 
Until this moment, I've not dwelled and longed for death during this year's holiday season. 

For any that know me,  this is huge.
Although I struggle still with existing. I will work harder to communicate with other humans. Until I can no longer take this pain. 
Caring is far worse than not. My weakness is overtaking my strengths. Maybe I should just stay a musician. Hiding emotion within a song is so much easier than feeling worthless and useless at the same time.

Tomorrow,  should it arrive, I will try again. 

Monday, October 12, 2015


Can you feel all the violent stares
Someone take them away
They must think that I'm someone else
Won't you help me escape
Please just take me away from here
Doesn't matter how far

Beyond the pain is where I'll be
Lost inside another melody

Infinity is not long
When you're traveling time
Mythology could be wrong
Believing's a crime
Take a moment to be yourself
If you think you are strong enough

Beyond the pain is where you'll be
Floating free in your memories

Open your mind and let it fly
Let your spirit roam free
Only bound by simple lies
That tell you what to be
Break the mold now just be alive
There is so much to see

Welcome to beyond reality
You can be whatever you believe