Monday, June 18, 2007


Thus begets unto thee the possability that you don't understand yourself.
But why would you ask that? What does it mean?
To be quite honest, you have been running in circles for quite some time now... and the ground is getting thin. Age means nothing... only the heart can guide you through. This is quite a paradox of insane findings....

Against the odd shaped boxes is the answer that we are all searching for, however... we may be to late to see the reasons that have brought them to light.

Anxiety is driven by the very same force that has held you down for so long....
the escape that was once there is now obvioous to you and the voices that dwell, to be nothing more than a drug party.... a distraction from the reality that has passed.

Too many lost days.

Does anyone ever really understand themselves? I used to believe it to be so.
Now I know it is. However.... how do you rectify a situation that has condemned itself into the void? You make a sandwich and have a glass of tea.

Even still the pain that has grown is lost beside the road... like a racoon that just wasn't fast enough. Why, you ask?

Simply this: If we were meant to be constantly doped up and out of our minds... we would have been delivered unto this world with a Morphine Drip permanently attached to ourselves. And yet we do not... So one must conclude... yes definitely...
That the decisions we have made that have led us this far has laid these results before our feet. And now we must repent.

But forgiveness is so hard to grasp... why is there mercy for the wicked things that have been traversed by such poor judgment ?... Only the self that was before the drugs would really understand the answer to that.

Life is so full of bullshit anymore that I am amazed when something REAL actually shows its face.. or the MUSIC is bright and clear enough to open my head back up and let the boardroom convene.

In no way shape or form has the ranting of these voices today meant to imply or defy anything within myself or yourself... please be advised that confusion may become entangled inside.

Be sure to donate your blood for there are many people out there in need of it!

Thank you... and Come again!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting, but above all makes me realize that a sandwich and a glass of tea sounds really good right now. ;)